Hi guys
So today my week off starts. I’ve made multiple posts and also an automatic message
The reason I’m taking time off is that 1st my son is 4 this week so I’m having some quality time with him. Also I’m in need of some time of.
How does everyone cope with your child’s first year at school? I’m excited but also full of strange emotions.. it will be one crying mummy September 😀
So I’ll try to keep an eye on my page but I rather spend time with him. Such a lovely little boy.. I don’t know how we deserve him. He’s growing very polite and amazing.
Anyway back to break time! I will be back 2nd of June with back to normal hrs. Keep an eye on my pages as I do have change on my working hrs and delivery hrs as of school pick up and collect. Also I’m taking time off for first week of school.
Love you all
Talk soon
Mimitu bakes